Owning a business is a great thing but can also be a huge headache when it is not set up correctly.


Entrepreneurs Rock

ENTREPRENEURS ROCK is a 4-week class that you must re-register for if you would like to continue the course. You can continue to re-register as long as you would like.

Luisa Nunez, B.S.

Company Name: AMC Accounting Professionals LLC

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This class helps start up entrepreneurs to identify the correct designation (LLC, LLP, Sole Proprietorship) for the business they are creating. It also addresses accounting and tax education to help entrepreneurs understand how to maximize benefits for their business. This course completes with a Marketing and Branding 101 class to give entrepreneurs an understanding of how to effectively attract customers to their new business. 


All programs are free to all FTI tenants. Sign up today on this page and you will be emailed by an FTI member with your confirmation. Feel free to sign up for multiple classes.
